Declaration of conformity. Certificate of conformity

The legislation of Ukraine on technical regulation establishes two ways to assess the conformity of products to requirements of technical regulations and normative documents, including state standards:

  • Drawing up declaration of conformity. This document is drawn up by the product manufacturer, which in this case acts as the first party when assessing the conformity of products to requirements of technical regulations;
  • Carrying out product certification. The products are certified by accredited and authorized certification authority, which in this case acts as third party when assessing the conformity of products to requirements of technical regulations.

In addition to product certification, two conformity assessment modules (D or H) regulate the certification of quality management system. Such certification is carried out by accredited certification authority, which also acts as third party.

The declaration of conformity is drawn up by the manufacturer or authorized representative* of the manufacturer, when the manufacturer is non-resident of Ukraine, if this is required by a particular technical regulation.

The declaration of conformity can be drawn up on a voluntary basis, if the products are not subject to a particular technical regulation.

The form of the declaration of conformity is determined by the relevant technical regulations.

The declaration of conformity can only be drawn up when technical documentation is formed in the scope determined by the same technical regulation. In most cases, technical documentation should include necessary test reports according to the standards referred to in the declaration of conformity. This documentation should be kept by the manufacturer and authorized representative* for the time period specified in the relevant technical regulations. Primarily, this period is 10 years.

* Authorized representative is any individual or legal entity being resident of Ukraine that received a written instruction from the manufacturer to act on its behalf in relation to certain tasks.

As a result of certification, one or more certificates are issued:

  • Type verification certificate;
  • Type approval certificate;
  • Certificate of conformity (for the product);
  • Certificate of conformity (for the management system: DSTU ISO 9001, DSTU ISO 13846, etc.).

The product certification is carried out by certification bodies that must be accredited by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (NAAU) and appointed by the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine..

The management system certification and voluntary certification are carried out by certification bodies accredited by NAAU.

The certification procedure is developed by the certification body according to requirements of DSTU EN ISO/IEC 17065:2014 Conformity Assessment. Requirements for authorities certifying products, processes and services (EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012, IDT) and comes into force from the moment of accreditation of the certification body.

The certification body is responsible only within its competencies and within the scope of the work performed by it. However, it is not responsible for technical documentation and test reports provided to it. The latter are issued by accredited laboratories at the request of the manufacturer or its authorized representative.

The main responsibility for conformity assessment, and in some cases all responsibility for this work, is borne by the manufacturer and its authorized representative.

The withdrawal of products from circulation on the Ukrainian market, prohibition of their use, fines, etc. – all these sanctions are imposed by the state market surveillance on the manufacturer and its authorized representative if they breach legislation on conformity assessment.
UCPS, LLC will provide:
  • Formation of technical documentation in full according to requirements of technical regulations;
  • Preparation of text of the declaration of conformity for signing;
  • Selection of testing laboratory accredited in Ukraine or the EU. Performance of testing works;
  • Determination of the best certification body for certification of products, management systems, etc. Performance of certification works.

UCPS, LLC performs the whole set of turnkey works on conformity assessment.

For the manufacturers being non-residents of Ukraine, UCPS, LLC provides the services of authorized representative.